Problems Solved

ProblemsHow Profitdiagnostix solves them
Overwhelmed by what you should be measuring in your business and you don’t know where to start?Profitdiagnostix is managed by business specialists and accountants who are familiar with YOUR industry. Your system will get set up and configured for your business type. From the moment we have set your system up you will get easy to understand and useful information about the key weaknesses in your business compared to the same business type in your country. This is a GREAT starting point – start focusing on where your business is weakest.
Don’t know what areas of your business to focus on?When you know how your business compares to your competitors, its easy to focus. Simply focus on the four key items where your business deviates the most from your industry standard. Focusing on 4 achievable tasks vs 100 arbitrary metrics significantly increases your chance of success.
Some staff are losing you money but you don’t know which ones?Profitdiagnostix has pre-built reports for your industry for all your team. So if a team member is performing below average in key areas, this is highlighted. Your key team members are compared to industry average in the important KPIs for your industry.
You are working hard but don’t seem to see enough profitOnce you know where your business is underperforming and possibly also which team members are underperforming it is much easier to focus on the serious problem areas. You will know why and exactly where your business is losing money. You will also have understandable financial reports which make sense to a non-accountant
Are you potentially losing customers and not aware of it? Would you like to know who these customers and patients are and re-engage them with your business?Profitdiagnostix has built in business intelligence that can accurately identify customers and patients that have missed vaccination recalls, have stopped visiting your practice or that purchase some products from you but do not fully engage in higher value services. Our team offers a test messaging service that re-engages these customers AND can accurately identify the value od these re-activated clients. Find out more about the Profitdiagnostix Revive service.